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business hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:30

Sat: 9:00 - 16:00

Sundays and Holidays: 9:00 - 12:30

    reservation status

    No vacancies☓
    Monday, December 12   ○
December 13 (Tue)  ○
Wednesday, December 14  ○
December 15 (Thu)  ○
Friday, December 16  ○
Saturday, December 17  ○
December 18th (Sun)  ○


Certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare​

Recommended acupuncture and moxibustion clinic in TokyoWas selected

Veteran Female Acupuncturist

Japanese cosmetic acupuncture offers therapeutic effects and deep relaxation at the same time.

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573-1 Hongucyou, hongu, Wakayama
Honguutaisha 5 minutes on foot 08071392112





不妊治療に通い、移植前にふと鍼灸に行ってみよー!と軽い気持ちでしたが、いままでの状況を細かく聞いていただけたことに最初は、びっくりしました。考えが甘かったなと反省しつつ親身になって教えていただいたアドバイスを(食生活やストレッチや漢方等) 身体改善に向けて実践。身体が良好になっていくの日々実感している中、妊娠•出産につながることができました!感謝してもしきれません!本当にありがとうございました!

The reason why customers choose SOLA!

No. 1 in Ekiten Ranking as of July.JPG

No unnecessary long consultations.

Not only the beauty of the face, but also remove the disorder of the body,

You can feel a higher effect because it builds a strong immune system.

​ Because it is a fast-acting treatment with high technology.

We have received many positive feedbacks from our customers.

​ course fees

Beauty acupuncture with electric stimulation + Full-body assessment course

80 minutes

Effects on the body

​Treatment flow

Pelvic correction
​Pelvic correction

​Treatment flow

Step1. counseling

Please move to a private room and ask about the worries you are feeling now.

We will check the details of the treatment and make payment in advance.

Step2. dressing and inspection

​We will ask you to change your clothes and check for any problems.

Step3. Pelvic correction

We perform treatments that relax the body and adjust blood flow from the head to the entire body.

We will eliminate your physical ailments and build a strong immune system.

Step4. pregnancy acupuncture

It stimulates and adjusts the flow of invisible energy called Qi.

Recommended for those who have no experience with firmness!
Recommended for those who are beginning to feel tired!

1. Before and after photos
2. Electric facial acupuncture
3. Small face manipulative treatment
4. Whole body adjustment

what to expect
Lift-up, small face, sagging, eyestrain, hormonal imbalance, stiff shoulders, clenched teeth, etc.
In addition to the much-talked-about esthetic acupuncture, this is a course that adds inner beauty that enhances the function of the abdomen and pelvis by adding face-slimming bodywork.
Let's aim for a lift-up, small face, and rejuvenation by training facial muscles with beauty acupuncture!

Q, Is acupuncture scary?

A: "I'm not scared. It's very thin, so don't worry."

Q, How often and for how long?

A  If you go to the hospital once a week

It is easy to improve your constitution and change into a body that is easy to get pregnant.

​ Increase your ability to have a baby!

don't give up on your baby

For example, stiff shoulders, back pain, sensitivity to cold, headache, swelling, insomnia, etc.

Is there?

In fact, getting rid of that kind of malfunction is a shortcut to pregnancy.

Even if you receive infertility treatment with Western medicine in a state of disorder, good results

It's honestly hard to get.

Using medicines to nurture eggs and promote ovulation, and repeated examinations are mentally and physically taxing.

Even if you are in a desperate situation due to age or start with advanced medical care,

If your body is in good shape, you will get good results.

But if there is malfunction, it is easy to have severe consequences.

Are you desperate for fertility treatment and putting off your own physical condition?
Would you like to review your physical condition and make it easier to have a baby?

There are people over the age of 40 who get pregnant naturally.

If your body is in good health and there is no malfunction, it is easy to get good results regardless of which medical treatment you choose.

Let's aim together for a body that is easy to have a baby.


The initial session is exclusively offered to those choosing the two-week course.
①I'd like to hear about your fertility journey so far and what you envision for the future.
②Health check-up
③I'll have you experience cosmetic acupuncture. 
④I'll address any body concerns or issues that are bothering you.

特別宿泊型 1日2回 不妊鍼灸&プチ電気美容鍼 ・朝食・夕食付きプラン

 妊活をトータル的に考え最短の体質改善をご提案し結果へと導くプランになります。 こちらは妊娠しやすい体質になるための宿泊プランになります。 1日2回妊活鍼灸を受けながら良質の源泉かけ流し温泉に入り、化学調味料・添加物が極力入っていない体に良い食事を取り入れながら妊娠しやすい体質に変えるプランになります。 パワースポットの側にある当施設は、女性一人でも安心して宿泊いただける宿です。 駐車場も完備しているので、お車でお越しの方でも安心です。 良質な源泉かけ流し温泉で、日々の疲れ、悩み、ストレスを解消し、妊娠しやすい体質にしませんか?温泉に浸かり、心身をリラックスさせ、自然エネルギーを感じながら細胞を活性化させましょう。 当施設では、カイロプラクティック、整体、鍼灸、マッサージを組み合わせた最高のメンテナンスを受けることができます。和歌山県では当院だけのカイロテクニックを受けることができる鍼灸院です。体の歪みを整え、内臓の活動を正常にし不調を取り除きます。 当施設の最大の魅力は、鍼灸だけではなく、トータルで体質を改善することです。 そして体に良い食事付きであることです。 ホルモンに影響する食べ物を取らないこと、塩素が含まれない良質な温泉に入ることも体質を整えるには不調を乗り除くためにはとても大切です。それらの全ての要素が詰まった場所で鍼灸を受けることで相乗効果が生まれます。 妊娠できるよう全力でサポートいたします。

*As each person's physical condition varies, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to conceive within 2 weeks.

*If you have a chronic illness, allergy, or chronic illness, you will need to visit the hospital for at least six months.

*We will consider the pregnancy course, including the history of your first pregnancy, and unfortunately we may not be able to make a reservation.
Please understand this before making your first reservation.

≪Those who are pregnant≫
*Please be sure to obtain consent from your doctor and family before making a reservation.
*Please make a reservation after agreeing that you will not hold the practitioner or the treatment office responsible or compensate for any changes that may occur during or after the treatment.
If you make a reservation, you agree to this.

Conditions Treated

Terms of use

If you cancel on the day, please be sure to contact us by phone.
Please be sure to call us to change your reservation.
100% cancellation fee if canceled on the day
*If you cancel without notice, we will refuse to make a reservation from the next time onwards.
* If you are late for more than 10 minutes, it will be canceled on the day and a cancellation fee will be charged.
Due to the system, we cannot reply to the contents entered in the "Other" column.
If you have any questions or requests, please contact us directly by phone.
Treatment times are approximate and may be slightly longer.
If you are in a hurry, please let us know in advance what time you would like to leave the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic.

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